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BISON FPGA DivMMC Turbosound 2xAY

BISON FPGA  DivMMC Turbosound 2xAY

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299.00 PLN

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Bison_FPGA  is multi inteface for zx spectrum and compatible computers, connected to edge connector.  Device includes:


  • DivTIESUS by  Miguel Angel Rodríguez Jódar (open source version withs some changes )  
    • DivMMC compatible interface with 8 KiB of EEPROM and 512 kB of RAM. Standard utils for EEPROM flashing, as provided by the ESXDOS team, are compatible with DivTIESUS.
    • Model autodetection. This means you don't need to put a jumper, or flip a switch to change from using it with a Spectrum 48K and a +3.
    • It uses its own fast clock (28 MHz / 14 Mhz), so Bison does not need the CPU clock at all 
    • high quliaty push/pull MOLEX microSD card slot 
    • SLIDE switch is used to indicate BISON that the EEPROM can be flashed (JP2 equivalent) and the automapping feature is disabled.
    • ESXDOS shadowing does not collide with all-RAM feature in +2A/B/3 machines. If the system is in all-RAM mode, ESXDOS ROM mapping is disabled.
    • Soft +3E feature: BISON is able to load +3E ROM images from the SD card, install them as the system ROM (using its own RAM), and make them available to the computer, while disabling the automapping feature (needed for ESXDOS but not for +3eDOS). This, effectively, allows the user to operate his/her +2A/B/3 machine as a +2e/3e one, all without having to open the case and exchange ROMs. A new dot command, ".go3e" makes this possible. Such command only works with DivTIESUS and BISON
    • Soft ROM feature: the soft +3E feature can also be used to load any 16K, 32K or 64K ROM and make the computer to boot with that ROM (the dot command currently supports only 16K ROMs). This means that ROM images for some util/games available for the Spectrum can be run in their original form. No need to have a +2A/B/3 machine to use them.
  • Beeper / ULA  sound mixed at audio output 
  • Soundrive / covox x 4
  • Joystick port working in 8 modes , also in KEMPSTON MOUSE mode- Amiga/ATARI ST mice can be used 
  • Reset/ joyport mode controlled by small avr
  • Turbo sound - 2 x AY 3-8910 chips ( fpga implementation) based on MIST ZX spectrum core  implementation. 








Soundrive / covox x 4





Short manual / usage:


  • Model autodetection
    • after power on, device detects Speccy model being  connected  to  with red led next to tact switch: 
      • few regular blinks   - AMSTRAD model
      • no blinks  -  Sinclair model 
      • detections is made upon presence of 9v volatge present at NON AMSTRAD MODELS.
      • If Your computer is ZX CLONE and doesn`t have 9 volts on pin 3B of edge connector,  You need to mod Your pcb
    • After system is detected, AVR releases reset and device starts upon first z80 request
    • red leds will indicate joystick mode according to avr setting


  • SD CARD activity 
    • indicated by green led at 100%, located next to red ones in left top corner


    • when second AY chip is being used, green led flashes 20% power approx. once  per second
    • i assume there is no software that plays AY TS sound and loads from sd card, is there ?



  • FLASHING MODE (JP2 equivalent)
    • move FLASH_EN slide switch to right position when requested (default LEFT)
    • Red leds will  be blinking regulary. 
      • last firmware changes blinking to left-right scroll
      • brigntness reduced 80%




  • Reset
    • press and hold user  button for a least 2 seconds


    • pressing NMI button will bring You sd card menu
    • please, refer to ESXDOS docs
    • hearable "click" in speakers is intentional


  • Joystick port mode
    • press user button at device  to change mode
    • setting is stored in AVR eeprom and kept saved after power off
    • joystick port mode status is indicated with red leds:
        • 000 Kempston /2 buttons/
        • 001 Sinclair 1
        • 010 Sinclair 2
        • 011 Fuller
        • 100 Protek
        • 101 QAOP / SPACEBAR
        • 110 Amiga Mouse /2 buttons/
        • 111 ST Mouse /2 buttons/
      • brigntness reduced 80% with present firmware










More INFO:  (


  • Kempston

    The Kempston joystick interface differs from the other common types in that it does not map to the ZX Spectrum keyboard directly. Rather, it maps to a particular hardware port (0x1f) and support must therefore be 'built-in' to the software. Fortunately, the Kempston joystick interface was enormously popular, and support was very easy to provide, making Kempston control a common, almost standard, feature of most games.

    Assuming an appropriate interface is attached, reading from port 0x1f returns the current state of the Kempston joystick in the form 000FUDLR, with active bits high.

  • Sinclair

    The 'left' Sinclair joystick maps the joystick directions and the fire button to the 1 (left), 2 (right), 3 (down), 4 (up) and 5 (fire) keys on the ZX Spectrum keyboard, and can thus be read via port 0xf7fe; see the Port 0xfe section for full details. For any of the joystick interfaces which map to keys, any game offering the appropriate form of joystick control can instead be played with the listed keys.

    The 'right' Sinclair joystick maps to keys 6 (left), 7 (right), 8 (down), 9 (up) and 0 (fire) and can therefore be read via port 0xeffe.

  • Cursor (PROTEK)

    A cursor joystick interfaces maps to keys 5 (left), 6 (down), 7 (up), 8 (right) and 0 (fire). Reading a cursor joystick thus requires a combination of bit 4 of port 0xf7fe and bits 0, 2, 3 and 4 of port 0xeffe. Common interfaces offering a cursor joystick option included those produced by Protek and AGF.

  • Fuller

    The Fuller Audio Box included a joystick interface. Results were obtained by reading from port 0x7f in the form F---RLDU, with active bits low.

  • Kempston Mouse:
    Although better known for their Joystick interfaces, Kempston also introduced many other devices. Their mouse is emulated by SpectaculatorvbSpecSPIN, and others.












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  • firmware 1030 
    •  bugs corrected
      • turbosound/ dac  reset with NMI and RST_N; Symptoms: AY sound to high and sound glitches
      • sys_clk reworked: it was input clk, now input_clk -> pll -> sys_clk for all modules
      • turbosund led activity 100%. no pwm causing led`s hang on on reset
  • firmware 1104
      • Thnaks to Elia another bug spotted and fixed. 
      • led brightnes reduced approx 80%
      • jp2 switch leds shows nice pattern, not simultaneous blink
      • all data / address/ control signals to instances are synchronised with main clk




Q: how to upload new firmware ?

A: follow this short manual:


    • check DOWNLOAD TAB
    • make a proper cable - refer to connection DIAGRAM
    • Flash it with gowin programmer  PICTURE  (computer must be on with bison inserted)
      • series: GW1N
      • Device: GW1N-2B
      • Operation: embFlash Erase, program
      • file - *.fs extension
    • that is all  :-)