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Ultimate RAM PACK

Ultimate RAM PACK

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419.00 PLN

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Weight: 0.2 kg

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Ultimate ATARI xe/xl ram pack -  two upgrades set.


  • Ultimate 1MB revised 2k24  - LINK
  • Sram 64 kb revised 2k24   - LINK 



Sold as SET ONLY. 








  • If you are not familiar with soldering or you do not have proper tools, please LET a pro technician do it for you or send me your ATARI BOARD for installation. Upgrade installation cost is 50€ only. Contact me to arrange installation.
  • Please remeber - wrong tools usage or low skills may damage atari and ultimate; any damage/harm to your hardware is NOT subject of any kind of warranty.
  • Installation is easy, but unexperienced hands can do a lot of damage. Please, refer to FAQ first 






  • locate  MMU (20 pins) and OS ROM (28 pins) and their pins no1 


General rule of pin identification - click for larger picture


  • REMOVE old RAM CHIPS ( hint: not necessary actaully; if Your ram do not get hot, You can remove resistors on data lines to ram and keep ram chips intact) 
  • at this moment make  ONE CONNECTION  between CI point  at sram module  to  CAS_INHIBIT SIGNAL at ATARI board (example: mmu pin 16)
  • install  SRAM MODULE under MAIN CPU; insert CPU to SRAM MODULE
  • POWER ON ATARI - it shall work with new SRAM 




  • Remove CPU from SRAM SOCKET
  • If Your chips (MMU AN OS) are in sockets: 
    • Desolder CI cable to SRAM (soldered in first step) 
    • Remove  MMU (20 pins) and OS ROM (28 pins) chips from their sockets 
    • Insert flat cable with "chip-adapter" side into MMU and OS ROM sockets ( RED STRIPE  cable indicates PIN 1 of removed chip)
    • Make proper 4wire connection of ULTIMATE with SRAM MODULE (o2, rw, rst, halt) 
    • Connect flat cables with "IDC-side" to ultimate board ( RED STRIPE cable indicates PIN 1 ultimate connector)
    • Fix ULTIMATE PCB inside Atari


  • If Your chips (MMU AN OS) are not in sockets:
    • Desolder CI cable to SRAM (soldered in first step) 
    • desolder MMU (20 pins) and OS ROM (28 pins) from atari pcb
    • Solder sokcets into atari pcb (sockets are not supplied by me)
    • Insert flat cable with "chip-adapter" side into MMU and OS ROM sockets ( RED STRIPE  cable indicates PIN 1 of removed chip)
    • Make proper 4wire connection of ULTIMATE with SRAM MODULE  ( o2, rw, rst, halt) 
    • Connect flat cables with "IDC-side" to ultimate board ( RED STRIPE cable indicates PIN 1 ultimate connector)
    • Fix ULTIMATE PCB inside Atari


  • Solder CI cable from SRAM to ULTIMATE 1MB /dedicated point/ 
  • Solder EXT_SEL from SRAM  to ATARI / this signal is present in many places, please refer to atari schematic .. in XE NON ECI version ignore connecting EXTSEL/
  • put CPU back


READY!  You can power on Atari, enter setup (HELP + RESET) and adjust all you want! 





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