Very compact 8MB FastRAM and BSC-AT-Bus IDE controller for Amiga 500.
based on design of Oleg Mishin
Please, refer to ink above for more: manuals, downloads.
Due to all respect to author, name has not been changed.
Some specs: ( bold - changes introduced to design by your humble Lotharek)
- Bootable IDE, no needs in a patched scsi.device to be present in Kickstart ROM for autoboot.
- Supports Kickstart from 1.3 and higher.
- Able to boot WB 1.3 and higher from HDD. 8MB RAM also detected in WB 1.3.
- Motorola CPU present at board in smd package /plcc/
- Diffrent CPLD used - 95144XL, thus firmware reworked.
- rotated ide connector 180degrees - if ide2sd adapter connected, sd card will be on top
- hybrid smd/tht bottom socket - realy proud of this solution
- Flash ROM contains BSC Oktopussy ROM and can be reflashed on-board.
- Works with A500/A500+.
- Doesn't work with CDTV due to DMAC on board (present firmware).
- PCB - 4layers, HID board (high integration device; trust me - i put a lot effort to squize CPU into the same pcb as orginal design)
- re-designed / produced in Poland at
Please, check RELATED PRODUCTS tab for IDE44 cables :-)
- desolder CPU from motherboard if not socketed and solder back device
- if CPU sokceted... no comments here. 20 seconds ;-)
- have a beer :-)
- ready
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