Please, check our SMD/THT services -; from idea to ready devices
Please, check our SMD/THT services -; from idea to ready devices
Generall install notes:
CAS signal is present:
Q: if it is compatible with Hannes 256KB, how can I access the 512KB? The Hannes expansion has only 2 Bits for bank selection. Is there any documentation available?
A: According to the VICE emulator, there is also 1 meg and 4 meg hannes compatible memory expansion, so 512k is just a subset of 1mb one
Bit 0/1/2 Select RAM-bank (0-7), standard is RAM-bank 7
Bit 3/4 - not used, can be read and written
Bit 5 - ignored, ram enable
Bit 6 1: Allowes TED-access to RAM (for text, graphic) to RAM-bank selected
with bits 0 and 1
0: TED-acces to RAM only in bank 3, bits 0 and 1 ignored
This function is available also in CSORY-expansion-mode
Bit 7 Switch-bound:
0: >$0fff
1: >$3fff