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PENGUIN BIS - ZX Spectrum PS2 keyboard adapter

PENGUIN BIS - ZX Spectrum PS2 keyboard adapter

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129.00 PLN

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Weight: 0.1 kg

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ZX Spectrum 48/48+ PS2 keyboard adapter, based on



Technical details:

  • NoWait version
  • Additional buttons F11,F12
  • Reset - PrScr
  • CapsShift - Shift (works really as on PC!)
  • SymbolShift - Ctrl
  • NumLock changes cursor keys and space to Sinclair Joystik 2



  • orginal keyboard may not work when PENGUIN connected 
  • VERTICAL ps2 connector is much stronger then horizontal one and helps avoiding power plug conficlt , so please do not ask why ps2 socket has such an orientation



  • orginal interface uses !RDFE signal ( RD, A0, IORQ  from Z80 CPU ) - jumper (0R resisotr) in deafult position (right)
  • You can move jumper to left, to use  IOULA and Z80`s  RD signal - picture.
  • my tests show, that some ZXs prefer second work mode..some work in both, others in first :-)  







1st revision ;-) 







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